Coronavirus Hysteria

The point stands, good, bad, horrible, not much you can do besides wash your hands and stop licking doorknobs.

Personally, I'd rather get it sooner rather than later. I'm 31, exercise regularly and have an immaculate diet. Getting it now while hospitals are on high alert but not yet over-run means you get in, get it over with an then are immune for a period of time.

The worst time to get it would be at the peak when services will be strained. Other countries are struggling to minimize and their citizens aren't even afraid of going to the hospital. A LOT of American's have a deeply ingrained aversion to wanting to go the hospital because of the exorbitant costs. Sure, you may be lucky and your private insurance may be great, but pandemics don't give a rats ass. This virus may make the strongest case for universal healthcare yet..

My question is, why don't we know the origin of this virus? I find it highly suspect that it impacts some ethnicities, or "melanin skin types" more than others. Also, it's no secret China's leadership is facing potential existential threat to their control due to the aging mushroom shaped population problem they have as a result of years of having a one-child policy and strong cultural preference for males.

If China doesn't remedy it's population imbalances it faces serious economic catastrophe. There are not enough young working aged people to both care for the ballooning elderly AND keep the factories running at 100% capacity. Something has to give.

Now if you are a politburo standing committee member, looking down the barrel of a gun you have three options.
  • Do nothing, accept your and your countries fate
  • Send out your military and kill the elderly to re-balance your population
  • Poison/infect your trouble demographic
Of these the third seems the most viable option. Option one is self-defeating, option two is not really feasible, but with a slightly modified version of the a flu virus that you've already studied in your own labs, released in a busy wet market as to obscure origins, would fit the bill nicely.

Well, it just so happens that Covid-19 seems to disproportionately impact elderly over the young, and men over women.

This is extremely odd behavior for what is essentially a hardcore more virulent flu virus. It is also VERY coincidental that this virus originated in China, the most populated country on earth facing just they exact demographic imbalances this virus seems to target.

What's more, there are doctors on record stating they believe the virus was likely man-made, or at least a man-modified version of another corona virus.

Now, I only half believe half the things I say. I'm not a doctor or a biologist. I just read the news and try to identify patterns. I'm also deeply suspicious of governments by nature, probably due to all the skateboarding and punk rock listening I did in my youth.

If you are old or sick, I'd try to retreat somewhere remote if possible. If you're young, stay calm and carry on, albeit with more frequent hand washing and less face touching. As others have mentioned, with pandemics, there's really not much you can do besides wait. Wait calmly or wait in a state of panic, the choice is yours.

Also, in addition to vitamin C, getting some elderberry extract might not be a bad idea, apparently it has been studied to be effective in minimizing the severity and duration of existing flu:
I used to ponder what it meant to be an optimist...


I thought it meant looking on the bright side, trying to see the silver lining, hoping for positive outcomes...

But now I know better...

It meant that when all of this inevitably comes crashing to a halt, I envisioned humanity marching together hand-in-hand towards the apocalypse as one. Brothers, sisters, and all of our furry friends (paw-in-paw.)


Now I know that there are too many people like @Jared who have hatred in their hearts and have fallen victim to the tricks of the Children of the Lie.

They are still human for the most part, but they are driven by dark forces. We're all circling around this track together, but some of us allow an evil passenger to take control of the steering wheel of our racecar.


Optimism and love can never flourish when you suffocate them with evil. They can only thrive in a willing host. When you let hatred overpower your heart, you are no longer in control of yourself. What is a man who cannot even control himself?


I love you, Jared, because I love all people and I want better for you as I want better for all people.

I want you to, and I beg you to, cleanse your heart of this irrational and dangerous hatred that you have for complete strangers in your industry (Are you still in this industry? I don't want to be presumptuous.) You've been here for 5 years, but it's not too late to break the shackles. De-radicalize yourself in the waters of love and empathy. Let them envelop you like a warm bed. I believe in you, and sometimes that's all we need to hear.


Let LOVE infect you. Let UNDERSTANDING go viral. Let PEACE be the new pandemic. Spread it. Travel with it. Shake hands with it. Cough it into the faces of all who need it.
The problem... with all of you guy's statements...
Cars live on the road
All those animals have a habitat

A virus lives and breeds in the air. You can't see it and it will be all around you.

I mean hey.. Tomato tomatoe... I've seen the effect personally now.... but all thanks to God. Im in a country that's like like .5 away from being third world and they are still corrupt enough to hide such news from the public to keep the almighty pesos flowing... and let people die in the comfort of their own misguided views daily.

I can't tell if the people downplaying the severity of this outbreak don't fully grasp the magnitude of what's going on, or if it's denial acting as a defense mechanism from a reality too terrifying to accept.

There's quite a bit of worrying news out tonight.

"Increasing evidence shows that coronaviruses are not always confined to the respiratory tract and that they may also invade the central nervous system . . . The infection of SARS‐CoV has been reported in the brains from patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected."
"Coronavirus crosses the Brain/Blood barrier and causes you to forget how to breathe" -- Reddit

Chinese doctors say autopsies of coronavirus victims suggest the deadly illness is “like a combination of SARS and AIDS” that can cause “irreversible” lung damage even if the patient recovers. --

Coronavirus: ‘Recovered’ patient dies as China reports discharged cases falling ill again - South China Morning Post

1. The damage can go well beyond your lungs. Bad.
2. The life-threatening issues can extend well beyond the time of infection. Real bad.
3. "Recovery" may be the virus going dormant, only to return later. Horrifically bad.

Things are still early, so no one knows the full risk of this virus yet. What we do know is bad. What we don't know, but are getting hints of, may be a whole lot worse.

As for the number of infections . . .



The spread is so far beyond out of control it's not even funny. They should have shut down borders and international travel back in January. They should have been proactive, instead remained reactive, and now the whole world is f*****.
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What’s more alarming is the amount of people that don’t seem to wash their hands. It’s why bowing is the preferred greeting method in the East. Imagine if the East actually shook hands when meeting people.

I know there is a huge portion of the population that do not shower or bathe daily, but the simple act of washing hands... Very odd.

So COVID-19 is SARS AIDS, not even HIV, Full blown AIDS...

This is what happens when people with too much time on their hands get access to the commentary on a global scale. Village idiots have gone global, they are no longer confined to the town square where they shout at people. Now anyone willing to listen WILL listen cause they too have too much time on their hands. Those same hands they don’t wash!

The world has gotten soft and comfortable cause life is too easy. Amazon now has same day delivery- really think of that concept we are living in where it’s easier to order food from your phone on an App and get it in 30 mins. You would think with all the extra time on our hands we would be achieving greater and greater things. But we are not, we’ve gotten more and more lazy. Leading to more and more time on the internet browsing and consuming nonsense information cause of “boredom.”

Trust me it’s very boring not struggling. When you are struggling you don’t have time to be bored. When you are not you have a lot of time on your hands. That’s dangerous if you don’t use it wisely. NetFlix binging anyone???

Start a business, run for office of a local election, do SOMETHING that brings actual value to your community and gives you responsibilities instead of waiting for the Zombie Apocalypse to come get you.

The Zombies aren’t coming. If you want to win you have to do work, hard work, and you might fail. In fact the likelihood of you failing is close to 99%. But that is life, you fail towards success.

Sitting around waiting for the End of Days, the Zombie Apocalypse, or the Illuminati, or even the Lizard People to launch their first attack from the hollow earth - that’s all delusion and a deep rooted form of procrastination. You don’t want to fail so you blame the coming Zombie war or Illuminati, that gives you an excuse not to try and go after your dreams.

So COVID-19 will give you what - 6 months of excuses to not just fucking do it. And then right on time the final 6 months will be scheduled for Trump’s 2020 win (he WILL win, that should be clear as day to anyone that can look at the landscape objectively).

So a full schedule all leading to nada happening in 2020 for those glued to the TV about a virus that’s less likely to kill them than influenza.

There is lite banter and trolling for entertainment, than there are people falling into deep traps of procrastination. Recognize where you are on the spectrum. If you like it great.

But if you don’t like where you are - remove the obstacles you are using as procrastination.

Zombies nor the Lizard People aren’t coming folks. You have no more excuses.
You see, we only have two alternatives; we either take everything for sure and real, or we don't. If we follow the first, we end up bored to death with ourselves and with the world. If we follow the second and erase personal history, we create a fog around us, a very exciting and mysterious state in which nobody knows where the rabbit will pop out, not even ourselves. - Don Juan Matus

For an average man, the world is weird because if he's not bored with it, he's at odds with it. For a warrior, the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomab
le. - Don Juan Matus

Carlos Castaneda, Journey From
Journey to Ixtlan
The spread is so far beyond out of control it's not even funny. They should have shut down borders and international travel back in January. They should have been proactive, instead remained reactive, and now the whole world is f*****.

Keeping borders open is the number one priority for our rulers/elite.

Globalism is about that.
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I look at it like this.

I can't do shit about it. The only thing I can do, is me and what I need to do and make sure Im living life and prepared for most things.

That's all any of us can realistically do.

I don't watch regular TV which means I don't watch the news. I don't know what's going on in my city or what the weather will be. I don't have a weather app on my phone. I don't even use my phone ( cell ) except for calls.


Because I can't control anything going on outside of me.

I don't know if it's going to rain today or be sunny. But can I control either? No.

If it rains, I still have bills and errands to run and pay. If it's sunny I do the same.

If a snow blizzard is coming I can't control it. I have AWD on my Pilot and plenty of food stocked up anyways so I don't need to run to the store and act crazy. I also have a generator and plenty of wood to keep me warm.

If a tornado is coming, I can't out run it. The bad wind before it hits would have told me to go down in my basement. There is nothing else I can do but wait it out in the basement.

If a hurricane is coming I cant stop it. I would have seen people boarding up windows and known anyways. I can't drive out because the highways are all jammed with millions trying to leave too. Its a madhouse.

High pollen day? Can't stop it. Would have known anyways due to my allergies and took a pill already.

This same scenario applies to tons more in your life.
  • Politics ( can't stop Bernie from asking, or Hillary from killing )
  • Taxes going up ( what am I going to do, not pay it? )
  • Kids needing braces or supplies for school ( what am I going to do, not care for them? )
  • Fires in California. I can't stop it or prevent it. I would have seen the flames and smoke and got out.
  • Virus outbreaks. If its the end of the world, whom am I to stop it? I can't fix it. If it's so massively awfully powerful and destructive all I can do is hole myself up in the basement Walking Dead style.
I've lived to be 42 now. Some of you are older than me.

But I've lived a while to know a thing about a thing or 2. If you are out here like chicken little worried about what's being mass directed to your eyes and ears, you will be distracted from your goals in life and get nowhere and it will all be for nothing when you are 42.

I keep living life as normal in these times. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about not traveling or fearful of water snake bites that might prevent me from enjoying my summer lake trip.

WTF is life worth if you are doing all of that?

I don't know if you're aware of it, but you certainly sound quite the Stoic.

I'm currently reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius (roman emperor).

I think Stoicism is the philosophy of this crazy age, which anyone with a brain can tell is a transitory age from the old industrial age to the transhumanist age.

Nothing much we can do about it.

This age is characterized by the industrial capitalist elite desperately clinging to power, unable to understand that the very ideology and framework (valueless, free market capitalism) they come from, will be their undoing, as only authoritarianism will allow you to keep control in the sci-fi age.

As such, we as minions in the great times of change, have little we can do - yet.

Eventually, sooner rather than later, but not yet, clear modern ideologies and movements will emerge, that are born of this age and then we can choose which to aid and join with our energy.

But now?

Nothing we can do, except try to live positive, charitable lives to those we meet and seek out. Live, so that you will not feel unfilfilled and cowardly should Corona take us.

Which is the essence of the Stoic mindset. Stoicism being closely related to Cynicism as well, so be careful.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

not really something to worry about.

If 121 got the flu and 1 person died, thats .83 percent for the 65+ crowd.

If the same group ( have to use 60-69 ) there were 1 person that died out of 28, thats 3.6% for Corona.

What if the one person that died of the flu died as person 28? The stats would be the same.

We don't know:

1. The time frame for these stats. Is that over 1 week or 1 year for the flu? Are the time frames the same for corona?

2. When the death happened. Was it early in the flu stats or late? Were they just faster finding the vac. for the flu compared to corona?

3. Why are the age stats different in both? Maybe there are more deaths in the 60-64 age group skewing the stats. Why is there no 70-79 and 80+ breakout on the flu stats?

4. Comparing flu to corona is kinda misleading. If this is a real disease, why not compare it to AIDS or something else? We could compare corona to polio and prob have the same stats ( using time frames of this year ).

This is why I don't buy into stats. You can make them say anything you want.
Iran and Islam having to break tradition of how they bury the 100s dead of Corona Virus

Usually the people of Iran wash the body of the dead with soap and water, before burial. However, they cannot do this now because they've seen how serious the Corona Virus is.

Instead of tradition, they are putting the bodies of people in Calcium Oxide to prevent them from contaminating the soil.

Interesting read. From every 1000 people about 33 dead. 3%+ mortality rate. Shits' stayiing consistent and it hasn't even hit a country like India yet exactly. Plenty of places there with a lot more people and a lot worse medical care.
Why is there no 70-79 and 80+ breakout on the flu stats?

This is what happens when people attempt to mislead the audience.They don’t use the same metrics, measurements, and just let the “lines” do the talking.

“The line is going up more over here so it must be bad.”

You can fool the masses, the 99%, but the people that can see the game sees what you are up to.

It’s like comparing a gallon of water to an 8.4 lb brick. Measurements are not coherent on purpose to fool the audience. BTW a gallon of water weighs the same as an 8.4 lb brick cause a gallon of water weighs 8.4 lbs - however the 99%ers would assume the brick weighs more.

It’s simple slight of hand tricks that magicans use that these marketer’s “maths” guys use to fool the masses and why these clowns are scared of a virus less likely to kill you versus influenza, a car, even lightning.

Really consider the fact that lightning is more likely to kill you versus COVID-19 and you start realizing how duped everyone is who are glued to the TV about this nonsense.
I don't see why there's a need either be alarmist or play it down entirely.

This could become a big deal if not properly handled.

It's a viral pneumonia, which does not kill young people, but does pose a serious risk to those kept alive by modern medicine. Chronically ill and elderly. I've been thinking about overpopulation in my darkest hours. If nature would like to make a point, certainly this does it.

What bothers me is the complete incompetence of European health agencies. They've shown their ugliest, globalist side in this. Going from trying to act as if this was nothing, to calling for complete country shutdown, within weeks. If Europe had simply banned flights to and from China at the first sign of endemic, then this thing could have been contained.
Keep up the good work @Jared. You're doing one heck of a good job.

I'm looking forward to your next update, even if it is just a bit over the top.
Imagine a fire. This isn't an ordinary fire, no, this fire is waterproof.

No one has any idea how to stop the spread of this waterproof fire. Not firemen, not scientists, not governments -- no one. Water does nothing to stop it. It burns everything in its path.

Right now, the fire's only in one small corner of the globe, where it's "only" killed 3,200 people -- BUT it's doubling in size every three days. Eventually, the entire planet will be on fire.

Now, imagine Joe looks at the fire and thinks, "hey, it's only killed 3,200 people so far! It ain't a threat at all! Lightning kills more!"

Do you understand the flaw in Joe's thinking?

Joe is showing absolutely zero foresight. He isn't stopping and thinking, "hey, it's already killed 3,200 people, it's only just began, and it can't be stopped. This is going to be real bad."

Just answer this: If this virus is doubling in size every three days, and it's already killed 3,200, how many will be dead in a week? A month? Six months? A year?

Look, you either understand viral outbreaks and the exponential growth that underpins them, or you don't.

Of course, none of this is new. People have been underestimating the risks of viral outbreaks for centuries. Just look at this article from 1918:


That same old familiar disease (just a flu, bro) only went on to kill 50,000,000+ people -- about a million years worth of U.S. lightning deaths (40 per year in the U.S.). This coronavirus has the same potential -- arguably more given the world population is 5x what it was back then.

The one thing that actually scares me a little bit is we don't know what the long-term effects are. We know it's highly contagious. We know it kills around 3-4% of infected. Is that the end of it?

Get it. Recover or die within weeks. And then what?
We know it kills around 3-4% of infected. Is that the end of it?

It doesn't though.

If you're sub 60 years, it's 0.2-0.4% which is 1 in 250 to 1 in 500.

Take away those with pre-existing conditions and what's left?

It's perfectly understandable to be worried about Corona, but if you're not senior citizen, you'd be very unlucky to die.
Imagine a fire. This isn't an ordinary fire, no, this fire is waterproof.

No one has any idea how to stop the spread of this waterproof fire. Not firemen, not scientists, not governments -- no one. Water does nothing to stop it. It burns everything in its path.

Right now, the fire's only in one small corner of the globe, where it's "only" killed 3,200 people -- BUT it's doubling in size every three days. Eventually, the entire planet will be on fire.

Now, imagine Joe looks at the fire and thinks, "hey, it's only killed 3,200 people so far! It ain't a threat at all! Lightning kills more!"

Do you understand the flaw in Joe's thinking?

Joe is showing absolutely zero foresight. He isn't stopping and thinking, "hey, it's already killed 3,200 people, it's only just began, and it can't be stopped. This is going to be real bad."

Just answer this: If this virus is doubling in size every three days, and it's already killed 3,200, how many will be dead in a week? A month? Six months? A year?

Look, you either understand viral outbreaks and the exponential growth that underpins them, or you don't.

Of course, none of this is new. People have been underestimating the risks of viral outbreaks for centuries. Just look at this article from 1918:


That same old familiar disease (just a flu, bro) only went on to kill 50,000,000+ people -- about a million years worth of U.S. lightning deaths (40 per year in the U.S.). This coronavirus has the same potential -- arguably more given the world population is 5x what it was back then.

The one thing that actually scares me a little bit is we don't know what the long-term effects are. We know it's highly contagious. We know it kills around 3-4% of infected. Is that the end of it?

Get it. Recover or die within weeks. And then what?

But did you read the post I wrote about "Because I can't control anything going on outside of me. "

That's the same reality you have too though in this example of yours.

If you cant stop it, water can't stop it, it burns anything and won't stop, doubles in size every 3 days, and governments can't stop it and all of earth is on fire ( in your example ).. then you just fucked bro.

If that's the case, there is no gain in having a worrying conniption fit over it, right?

If that's the case, I'm going to head on down to the beach and party until it hits me and I die. Because we all gonna die from it anyways, right? No matter what I do ( worry or party ) it's not going to stop and we all be on fire. I might try to take over a small island ( think Tom Hanks on Cast Away ) and kill everything on it before they get the virus and then I live on the island and hope no one comes to it with the virus....

There is no reason to have foresight in this example you built because no one can do anything to stop the fire/virus/end of world though.
Look, you either understand viral outbreaks and the exponential growth that underpins them, or you don't.

I didn’t realize you recently because a virologist. I assume the University of Reddit has an advanced fast path course to the doctorate. It’s wild how one can learn a field of study that take people years in a matter of a couple of weeks reading Alex Jones level Reddit posts. What a time to be alive.

Conveniently you disregarded the pointing out of the completely misleading chart of incoherent data and are redirecting the audience. Now the audience is suppose to forget about that since you raised the alarm over here - “eyes went right while you exist stage left.”

This is some advanced traffic leaking and polarizing trolling content tactics. “Ignore all facts and re-honing on your original points.”

You’ve been practicing the dark arts high up in the Himalayan mountains in secret.

You’re getting too powerful @Jared, but you still have some refining on the outer edges to do.

Welcome to Traffic Leak Bootcamp 2020 folks, the students have become the masters.

Coronavirus: ‘Recovered’ patient dies as China reports discharged cases falling ill again - South China Morning Post

So if I recall correctly, “some people”, mostly nuts, are reporting, according to one of your posts, that some infected are gettin re-infected with the same strain and dying. So their immune system didn’t stop it.

Like herpes?


Great. I feel like this will appear on an episode of South Park next season.

I mean for something to die, then come back, then die, then come back - sounds like a Zombie right?
15 MILLION people will die and the global economy will take a $2.3 TRILLION hit from coronavirus in the BEST-CASE scenario, new study predicts - Daily Mail
  • Research by Australian National University lays out a range of virus outcomes
  • In the worst case, the global death toll could reach a staggering 68million
  • Some countries' economies could shrink by eight per cent in a global meltdown
Their worst-case scenario is better than other worst-case scenarios I've read, so I guess that's a silver lining of a really nasty cloud.
I don't believe the death rate for a second, knowing how few people are tested, who show symptoms. In the west, so far, you're only tested if you've been to an infection zone or been close to someone ill.

Remember the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was isolated?

The Diamond Princess cruise ship provided a look at an isolated, well-observed population exposed to the new coronavirus. On that cruise ship, 707 people caught the virus and six died, for a case-fatality ratio of 0.8

However, the Diamond Princess numbers may not be representative of what happens in the rest of the world. Cruise ship passengers skew older than the general population, putting them at risk of more serious complications. On the other hand, because the outbreak on the ship was closely watched, patients had access to quick medical care.

Right now these death rates are indicative of selection bias and can't be trusted.
15 MILLION people will die and the global economy will take a $2.3 TRILLION hit from coronavirus in the BEST-CASE scenario, new study predicts - Daily Mail
  • Research by Australian National University lays out a range of virus outcomes
  • In the worst case, the global death toll could reach a staggering 68million
  • Some countries' economies could shrink by eight per cent in a global meltdown
Their worst-case scenario is better than other worst-case scenarios I've read, so I guess that's a silver lining of a really nasty cloud.
Notice how there are never any remotely positive outcomes in any articles or studies? This is what @CCarter was talking about in regards to the media sensationalizing things to keep eyes on their program(s). Goodness, the virus could also get put under control next week if there’s a breakthrough- like onion water or something kills the bacteria associated with the virus, but there will never be any positive articles because scaring people into being glued to your program(s) is much easier (and profitable)...
The problem is that the health organisations are misleading and being incompetent.

Why don't they tell us exactly who dies? Age, existing conditions?

Why don't the media report from those who are ill, but not terminally ill? Why don't we get to see what this disease look like?

This level of incompetence seems weird. They're fueling the conspiracy theories, by treating the public like we're hysterical imbeciles.